A Data-Driven Guide to Email Marketing for Plumbers | Triton Commerce


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Email Marketing Guide for Plumbers.

As a plumber, you know that running water lines through a home is a very unique process. There's no one way that works for every home's design. Rather, you have to run them based on the existing features for the home.

The same holds true for Email Marketing. You need to understand the unique attributes of each subscriber in order to construct an email marketing strategy that will predictably convert readers into booked appointments and new customers.

Data analytics provided by marketing via email allows business owners the ability to successfully predict consumer's behaviors and interests. This data-driven approach to sales is the main reason while marketing with email is a necessity for all plumbers to continually grow their business.

How Will Data Influence Your Marketing Strategy

Data about previous marketing campaigns allows you to discover what best works to convert your subscribers into buyers. This way, you can do more of the things that customers like to get more to book your services and/or refer you to their family and friends for their future plumbing needs.

With advanced data metrics, you can track your email marketing strategy to get answers to all of your questions like:

  • What percentage of subscribers opened my email?
  • What was the click-through rate?
  • What is my average ROI per email campaign?
  • What day of the week and time of day produces the highest response rate?
  • What percentage of my leads are coming from marketing via email?

When you're provided with organized data that allows you to successfully answer these questions, you can identify what individual tactics are getting subscribers to convert. It suddenly becomes much easier to adjust your future email campaigns to include these individual tactics that have proven successful in the past.

Imagine being able to provide your valued customers with what they've proven they wanted without having to play the guessing game. This can mean lots of new prospects coming contacting your plumbing business every single day!

Tracking and Testing Your Email Advertising Tactics

The key to being able to see loads of success with marketing with email is by utilizing proficient testing and performance reports. You'll start by sending your initial test emails to get your initial analytical tracking results. This will allow you to determine how different design elements affect your conversion rates.

There are many different design elements that you can alter based on previous analytical feedback to determine what works best for your subscribers. Some of the most common design elements include:

  • Formatting, text, and layout
  • Contact forms, hyperlinks, and calls to action
  • Visuals, graphic designs, videos, and images
  • Headings and subject lines
  • Offers, deals, and topics

As you start to change different elements of your email designs, you'll need to assess their data analytics to compare and contrast different design choices. There are a number of different advanced metrics that you can track in your emails, including:

  • Unique open rate
  • Lead generation rates
  • Median revenue per subscriber
  • Click-thru rates
  • Bounce rates
  • Forwarding rates
  • Website Traffic
  • Growth rates
  • Unsubscribe rates
  • Average ROI rates
  • Social media shares
  • Unopened rates

When you compare the data analytics of different emails sent out to your subscribers, you can easily see which design elements convert better than others. For example, you can send out two emails with different subject lines. One may be a question, while the other may be a statement. You can see which one has the highest open rate to determine whether your future subject lines should be questions or statements. The subject line is just one of many design elements you can test.

Creating Focus Groups From Your Subscribers

While you can definitely hone your marketing skills by testing out different email design elements, you can actually take it a step further with focus groups. These focus groups will be created by segmenting various subscribers with the same attributes together.

Some common types of segmentations include:

  • Commercial customers
  • Residential customers
  • Single Households
  • Family Households
  • Geographical regions
  • Plumbing repairs
  • Plumbing maintenance
  • New homeowners
  • Old homeowners
  • Parent Households

With focus groups, you can send out personalized email content that appeals to the specific group. For example, you may want to send out an email about plumbing maintenance services for old homeowners. You may reserve an email about signs of plumbing problems to your new homeowner focus group.

The more tailored you can make your content to each focus group, the more likely you are to get buyers out of your subscribers. These focus groups allow you to analyze your subscribers from a different perspective. This allows you to easily advertise the services that you offer that will be most appealing to each focus group. These specialized groups turn mass advertising into personalized email advertising.

Plumbing Email Advertising Solutions

When you first discover that you can learn so much about your email advertising strategies, it can be exhilarating to think of all the potential business that you'll soon be able to muster up. However, when you start to plan your email advertising campaign, it can seem overwhelming. There are so many different data metrics and potential focus groups that it can make your head spin.

At Triton Commerce, we can take care of the specifics. We specialize in providing custom email advertising for plumbers. We'll take care of combing through all of the analytical reports to perfect your conversion rate. Let us enhance your business's online presence and generate more qualified leads for you.

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