How Electricians Can Use Social Media to Increase Leads


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How Electricians Can Use Social Media to Attract New Leads

It doesn't matter if you're a hardcore social media user or you've never been on Facebook in your life. There's simply no denying the fact that social networking sites have become embedded into our culture. Sites like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are becoming primary resources for expressing opinions, sharing content, and connecting with others around you. It's also become one of the most valuable digital marketing tools for electricians on the market today.

As with any new digital marketing endeavor, it's completely natural to be skeptical at first. In fact, you may want to discount Social Media Marketing from the start. However, it's important that you realize your competitors are likely using social networking sites to bring in more customers to their business. When you're not doing any social media marketing, you're letting that whole demographic of customers go straight to your competitors.

Instead, you need to be utilizing social media marketing to help increase your brand's awareness and separate your electrical business from others on the market. When you use social networking sites, you can better engage with your customers, get more leads to your business, and ultimately expand your business for the better.

If Social Media Marketing sounds like a potential asset for your business, continue to read on to learn how this type of marketing can help your business better connect with new and returning customers!

It All Starts With Profile Optimization

To utilize social networking sites for this type of marketing, you first need to create social media profiles. These are pages where other platform users visit to learn about your business and read content that you post. While setting up these profiles may seem like a simple task, to begin with, you need to remember that optimization is crucial. Just as your website needs to be optimized for search engines like Google, your social media profiles need to be optimized as well for them to be searchable to the general public.

In fact, a well-optimized social networking profile will do all of the following:

  • Increase your number of social networking followers and email subscribers
  • Drive more traffic to your website and increase the number of prospects that you receive
  • Boost your online presence and strengthen your brand
  • Make it easy for followers to share your content and your business information with others

It's important to realize that your social media profiles should be approached from the same perspective and goals as you would for your website. People need to see a complete profile that is regularly updated.

When it comes to actually optimizing your social media profiles, there are a few ways to do it:

  • Use your logo in your profile and banner pictures
  • Include calls to action throughout your profile pages
  • Use similar usernames and account handles on all social networking sites
  • Have a trackable link to your electrician website in all of your bios
  • Have up-to-date contact information in the resources section of your profiles
  • Utilize keyword research when making your social networking content

In general, the more strategies that you utilize to optimize your social profiles, the easier it's going to be to enhance your brand's awareness online and boost the number of prospects that come into your electrical business.

Use Personalized and Engaging Content

One killer mistake that you do not want to make when it comes to your social media profiles is not producing consistent content. This original content needs to be both personalized for your followers and still engaging in compelling them to read more. It's necessary for your business to commit to publishing articles on a regular basis. Otherwise, there's no point in setting up your social media in the first place.

Here are a few tips that you'll want to utilize when creating your engaging, unique content for your social media pages:

  • Be Relevant
    It's important for electricians to only produce content about their industry. If you start to try and produce content about other industries like your favorite sports, it's going to reduce your authority among your followers. They read your content because they trust you in the electrician field. So, make sure that you're only putting out content that is relevant to your specific industry.
  • Make it Shareable
    One of the most significant aspects of any content that you release on your social networking profiles is that it must be shareable. The whole point of releasing the information is not only to connect with your existing followers but to get your followers to share your content with other people. The more people that see your content, the more leads you'll receive. You need to keep this in mind when writing any content for your social networking profiles.
  • Make it Personal
    In the 21st century, people want to be treated as unique individuals and not just one of the pack. You need to keep this in mind when you're writing content for your social networking profiles. You want to make them as personal as you can to help engage and create more loyal followers. One great way to make this more personal is to tag certain followers in promotional offers or even sharing their personal testimonials on your social network pages.
  • Use Your Own Images
    One of the best ways to increase engagement among your followers is to use images and videos throughout your content. However, it is absolutely necessary that you only use your own unique photographs, graphics, and videos. Never use generic stock imagery as it only takes followers seeing that same image on some other business's social networking profile for them to completely discount your authority in your industry.
  • Be Consistent
    It's so critical that we're going to say it again. You need to be consistent with how often you send out new content to your social networking profiles. Pick a day of the week when you'll be uploading new content, and make sure you do it every single week. This helps to establish your business as legitimate and authoritative in your industry.

Targeting Ideal Demographics With Paid Advertising Campaigns

Now, since you're familiar with utilizing social media to release content to engage people and bring more prospects to your business, it's time to talk about their paid advertising campaigns. The big social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Instagram all offer social paid ad campaigns.

In fact, it's been estimated that in 2021, American businesses will spend just under $48 billion on paid social networking advertising campaigns. It's very clear that this type of advertising is effective for businesses of all sizes. There are actually many different ways that social paid advertising campaigns can benefit your business.

  • You can proactively target both returning customers and new customers
  • You can focus on advertising to specific demographics
  • You can increase your website traffic and boost your conversion rates
  • You can reach more qualified prospects and boost your social networking presence
  • You can actively monitor the success of your advertising campaigns in real time

Using a combination of both paid advertisements and releasing free content on social networking sites, you can all but guarantee more customers coming into your electrician company. In fact, they'll likely come in faster than any other type of advertising that you've done in the past!

Boost Your Prospect Generation With Triton Commerce

While marketing on social networking platforms may seem like a great investment for your business, it may also feel overwhelming, to begin with. We know that most electricians have many day-to-day tasks that they need to handle, and trying to learn about creating new marketing strategies can be difficult.

At Triton Commerce, we can take care of your social networking marketing for you. We have the resources and specialized tools to help increase the number of prospects that your company gets through social networking sites.

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